Wednesday 1 April 2009

Blog Award.. Premo Seven Somethings

I've received another blog award from Laura over at ilgirasogno.
But I've tried translating what I have to do with it, but translator isn't helping.
I gather I need to pass this on to another Seven Blogs, but can't get the first bit.. Help Please!

So I'd Like to pass this award on to:-

Jodi at Creager Studios, because I adore her and Richards Work and I want to help her fill up her mantle piece.
Rosanna over at La Stanza Di Giuggiol, who has become a good friend and who's Miniature Needlework is outstandingly beautiful.
My mate Nikki over at Witch and Wizard Miniatures, for her wonderful creations. Which I love.
Casey at Casey's Miniatures, who's posts about Tessie her little Witch, make me laugh everyday, and for all the hints and tips she shares with us all.
Tara over at The Dollhouse At Pooh Corner, who putting together Pooh's house.
Ingrid over at Huize Libelle for always having something wonderful to share.
and last but not least Meli over at Casitas de Meli, who again always has something wonderful to share..


  1. Debbie, thanks for the award!!! It's really very special for as comes from an artist as you.
    Thanks again for your kindness,

  2. I have read that for have to mention 7 things you love and forward it to 7 persons :-)
    Crafty hugs

  3. Thank you Debbie, you are a real darling. Eva has already given you the translation,I'm late!! but I was at work so I'm forgiven?!

  4. Well Bust my Buttons with Joy!!! Thank You SOOO Much Debbie... Now where to place on the Mantle...hmmmmmm!!! this is getting interesting

    Wonderful Wednesday!!


  5. Thanks Debbie! Very pretty award. I went over to Laura's blog and I think that we have to name 7 things that we like/love. Anyway, thanks! I love the photos of your garage. I would never leave the garage for the house if mine looked like that!

  6. Thanks ever so much Debbie. Really appreciated.
    Nikki x

  7. Thanks Debbie, it mean a lot for me to receive this award from you. I still feel like I'm only starting to make miniature stuff and this is really a big compliment. Thanks again!
