Friday 13 March 2009

Some Past Work...

First of all, I'd like to say Thank you to everyone that left such lovely messages on my blog yesterday.
The situation is now under control and the person concerned is now in Hospital and hopefully receiving the help they need.
As I haven't worked on anything in the last couple of days, thought I'd show you some of my past work. If you click on the pictures they will pop up bigger.
Notice I did put something Witchey in there! Need to make some more Pumpkins for Diagon Alley..


  1. Glad things are better today. Wonderful work Debbie, your veg is so life like. I cannot do vegetables!! Love the pumpkin, I would love to learn how to make a hollowed out pumpkin! I have some little lights and they would look good inside pumpkins to glow in the dark outside the haunted house .
    Kate and John xx

  2. I love the Jack pumpkin and the seeds. They look so natural. I'm happy that the problems are solving in a fair way. Mini hugs

  3. which are beautifull Debbie ...
    what can you do it well
    looks very nice
    huggs Marja

  4. Wonderful, Debbie. :) I'm glad to hear that things are better. Mini hugs, Marsha

  5. So very happy things are seeming calmer now. I hope they remain that way.

    Beautiful minis! I love the vegetable boards.

  6. I'm so pleased to hear everything is settling down for you, life can be so difficult and numbing at times. Miniatures has a way of lifting my spirits very quickly, it is a wonderful world. Your minis are such a delight. Thank you for sharing. Hugs, Jean

  7. Oh Debbie, I wish I was half as clever as you. Your mini food is just beautiful!

  8. Hope you washed the straw in the crate after mucking out the ponies... Lol
    Always one to lower the tone!

  9. Glad you all liked the Vegetable's..

    Kate & John, I used to teach people how to make vegetables at my old Club.
    Rosanna, I may do a Tutorial on how to make a Jack O Lantern nearer Halloween.

    Thank you Marja for your lovely comment.

    Marsha & MiniKat & Jean thanks for your concern, everything has calmed down now.

    Mercedes so pleased you like my Mini Food.

    Nikki, that is the finest quality hay in that crate. Straw's too big. I promise it had not been in contact with any Horse Poo! LOL

  10. Your miniature foods are wonderful. You really have an eye for detail.
    I would love to see a hollowed out pumpkin tutitorial too!

  11. I've always loved your veggie trays.....Do you still sell them? and her horse poo! HAHAHA
