Saturday 14 March 2009

Rosette Bow Maker

Yesterday, while I was having a rummage in the Garage. (Casey let me tell you it is much worse then your work room!) I came across my Rosette Bow Maker. So I brought it indoors, as I want to make a large bow for one of my Witch Hats.
Last night I went over for my daily fix on Casey's blog and what was she showing and talking about, her bow maker. How Spooky is that?
Mine looks a bit worse for wear as the Damp in the garage, has affected the nails.
Casey has given a good explanation over on her blog, on how to use it. The only difference is, I place a piece of greaseproof paper over the spikes, before I Start just so that if the glue oozes, it doesn't stick to the wood.. And in answer to your question Casey, I think its a case of great minds think alike.. If I get time later I'll have a go at making a bow and showing you the result.


  1. Hi Debbie, Pop by to let you know I have listed you as a sister for the sisterhood award and to thank you for being interested in my blog. Come by Day 39 of My Maharajah's Palace to see if you like my listing :).

  2. He he so have we Deb!The award is on our page this afternoon Hope we've done it right!! Thanks for all your help Kate and John xx

  3. I've had a bow maker in my stash for YEARS and YEARS and have just given up on how to use it, LOL I'll pop on over to Casey's blog but I have a feeling it'll still stay where it's at, LOL. :) Mini hugs, Marsha
