Friday 20 March 2009

New Award..From Thomi

Thomi from dolls-and-desire-news, awarded me the Kreativ Blogger award. Go and have a look at her beautiful sculpts. I really like Sina. Thank you Thomi for the award. Thomi also has another blog called Miniaturen by Helena. If you haven't seen this blog before go over and have a look at the sculpts she's done of the children climbing in the Bath. Fabulous.
The rules of this award are to list seven things I Love and then pass it on to another seven Kreativ Bloggers.

Seven things I Love are:-

1. My Husband and Sons
2. My Family & Friends all over the World
3. My Animals, Dogs, Cats & Ponies
4. My Miniatures
5. Blogging
6. Reading
7. Chocolate..

The Seven Blogger's who I'd Like to Pass this on to are:-
1. Nikki for her blog Harry Potter, Magical Creatures & Haunted. Lots of inspiration on there.
2. Kat for her blog Kat's Witches Koven. Very interesting site with lots of pictures and links.
3. Mercedes over at Liberty Biberty. Beautiful photographs of her miniatures on there.
4. Jen over at Jemjoop, who always has something to share.
5. Gaye over at Creating Dollhouse Miniatures, for tracking down and posting all those Miniature Videos.
6. Marsha over at Sassy Mini Dolls, for her very Sassy Dolls and have I told you Marsha Loves Pink..
7. Kim over at It's a Miniature Life, for all her wonderful food.

And to all the other fabulous blogs out there in the blogoshere, you all deserve this award as well.


  1. Thank you, Debbie!!!! Now you KNOW that one of the blogs I'd award back to would be YOU as you are the ULTIMATE mini blogger!! :) Mini hugs, Marsha

  2. Debbie, thank you so much. What a beautiful award. Your Mad Eye Moody is wonderful, I had a peek at him on Jodi Creager's blog.

  3. Jen Mad Eyed Moody isn't mine, I was just telling Nikki about him and asked Jodi to share the pictures on her blog. Wish he was mine..

  4. Thank you Debbie. I promise to do something with this when I get home. You are always so sweet to think of me. Happy weekend friend. Mini hugs!

  5. Thank you Debbie!
    Mini Hugs,
