Saturday 21 March 2009

The Little Witch Arrived Safely...

Just to let everyone know that Nikki arrived in the West safely. She's been on the tour and met the Ponies. Been slobbered by Merlin and we've spent the afternoon having a good laugh and a chat and are both really looking forward to tomorrow. Sorry no pictures as Nikki is camera shy. We are leaving very early in the morning to get to Birmingham and hopefully will have some goodies and pictures to show you tomorrow night..
Nikki and I have just been playing with Diagon Alley and we turned all the lights off in the Lounge and took some photo's of it lit in the dark...


  1. It looks wonderful in the dark too! Bet you two wish you could magic yourselves into miniature to take a walk around it!!
    Have a great day tomorrow, safe journey
    Kate and John xx

  2. bless you! You must have lots of fun. I wish I were a fly and be there to listen and see you little witches. Have a great day tomorrow. Hugs Rosanna

  3. Love the pictures!! Very spooky!! Have a safe journey tomorrow you two and lots of FUN! Shows everything you bought!! I'll be there in spirit with you both! :) Mini hugs, Marsha

  4. Have fun tomorrow!
    * marlies

  5. I'm glad Nikki arrived safely! You 2 have fun tomorrow......

  6. Wow! Diagon Alley looks great in the dark. It looks even more real in with the shadows and creepy places. Thank you for sharing the photos.

  7. Your diagon alley looks magical like this! Hope you're having a wonderful day.

  8. oohhhh what it looks beautiful at night
    so cozy together to exchange
    hopefully you can pretty much find today's
    have fun together
    hugs Marja

  9. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time already...before you even get to the show...Say "Hi' to Nikki for us...

    Can't wait to see the pics...
    Safe Journey

  10. Oh that sounds wonderful. You two have a great time. I look forward to your pictures. mini hugs!
