Thursday 5 March 2009

Fabby Blog Award..

I'd like to Thank Casey, Brenda, Rosanna & Nikki, for all awarding me the Your Blog is Fabulous award. I've already had this award before and answered the questions, so forgive me but, I'm not answering them again..
This now means that I have to pass this award on to twenty people or can I get away with doing five?..
I'll be back later with the names...

Right are you all ready for this, I award this award to:-

Katy at Las Minis de Katy.
Lenira at Minimundomania.
Carmen at La Ventana a mi mundo
Sandy at Forbes Farm Gifts
Jen at Jemjoop

Bogna at I Love That Doll
Silke at The Art of Silke Janas-Schloesser
Katy at Scrapping & Newfs
Sandra at Tales From a Toymaker
Living at Fluffy Bricks..

Lisa at Loving Clay Dolls.
Shannon at Shannon's Mini Blog.
Sumaiya at Exotic Dolls by S.Mehreen
Karin at Mini Ramblings & Musings
Linda at Linsminiartform

Anna & Paco at Miniaturas del Minimundo de Paco.
Kat at Kat The Hats Blog Page
Kate at More Reverberation.
Dragonstar at Dragon Days
MiniKat at Little Thoughts From An Average Mind

I've tried to give this award to blogs who haven't already received it, but if I've doubled up on someone Sorry.


  1. I thought before I gave it to you that you were probably sick of awards, but you were such a help to me when I started my blog, and I've watched as you've done the same for others. My conscience would have scolded me if I didn't give it to you...My conscience scolded me anyway for all the other blogs I didn't give it to...

  2. Ooh thanks for the award! Are there questions?

  3. Katy you have to list five of your addictions and then pass it on to 5 people..

    Thanks Brenda, glad I could help.

  4. LOLOLOL ,Thanks sooo much Debbie ! I got that award allready ,doesn´t matter hmmm. But I agree with you, it´s realy much work with this award, so I didn´t answer the questions as well ;o)and I think I stop to forward it because I need to give my "Kissed by a Prince"award very soon again; LOL I hope the inventor of this award here will forgive me....

  5. Dearest,
    Thanks for the award! :D

  6. How could I miss this post?

    Debbie - thanks a lot :-))
