Tuesday 10 February 2009

Your Be Pleased To Know..

Your all be pleased to know that Ollie has a new cage. He's got plenty of space to spread his wings now,but I have to say he looks a bit lost in there. Bless him! Think I might have to make him a friend.
I've had quite a busy day today, so no other Mini work done. Had to go food shopping, then sort out the Stables. Late this afternoon, went to do Home Check for Many Tears Animal Rescue, the people lost their dog last year and have fallen for a five year old Basset hound called Olive. Had a look at her on the web site and she looks so sad. Hopefully, if they get the fencing sorted she could be with them by next week..


  1. Debbie that if this cage is great ¡¡¡a companion he would very well, while waiting to be bought at the Owl Emporium.


  2. He looks great in his "mansion"!! Ah, yes, every creature needs a companion!!! I hope Olive will get to go to her forever home soon. Breaks my heart, so many unwanted, unloved, abused animals. If I were RICH, I'd open up an animal sanctuary. Mini hugs :) Marsha

  3. He looks verry happy now, its a graet cage! I agree with Marsha, if I only was rich too.........
    * marlies

  4. Love Owlie and his cage. Yes, he needs company. I hope the puppy gets a home. Fell in love with a baby Boston Terrier strolling around a local flea market but my DH said two dogs is two too many so I had to leave the little fellow there. Hope he finds a good home.


  5. I forgot to ask you, do you have more ours in one day? You have been doing a lot off work to day!;D
    * marlies

  6. Oh! I'm so glad you made Ollie a new cage! And I'm sure Ollie would love a lady friend! You did a really good job with him! And the cages!! I can't believe how much catching up I have to do on your site! I'll be reading all night! And enjoying every minute of it!!!!

  7. Yes he looks happy having plenty of space to move!!!

  8. Ollie looks so happy in new cage! :)
