Wednesday 18 February 2009

Welcome To My New Followers...

I have four new followers. Welcome to my world.
They are Jodi who's blog is called Creager Studios, I've already shared some of Jodi's fantastic work on this blog.
Sandy from Forbes Farm Gifts, who makes the most wonderful jewellery.
Brenda who's blog is called Brenda's Miniatures. Brenda has only been blogging since the beginning of February, but already has some wonderful miniatures to share.
And last but not least is Karin, who doesn't have a blog, but followers a few Miniature Blogs.
As always please go over and say Hi.....


  1. Thanks to you, Debbie, I've found so many other great miniature and art blogs to follow. It makes my days so much nicer. :-)

  2. So glad I've been of help to you Kat.
