Thursday 5 February 2009

More Snow & Sadness..

Last night I had a phone call from my dear Friend Karen, to tell me that her Dad had died suddenly yesterday morning. She was obviously in shock and really did not know what to do. I explained all the procedures to her and we spoke for some time. She was worried about her Mum being on her own last night, but as I explained to Karen, my Dad was exactly the same when my Mum died. I think those hours on their own, give them time to reflect without other people fussing around them. My heart and sincere sympathy goes out to all the family. This is the second death I've heard about in the last week, my other Friend Sarah also lost her Grandfather suddenly and as she was like his own Daughter, she is having to deal with it all on her own. My Prayers are with them all.
We were expecting more snow through the night, but it didn't happen. So the Boys went off to School as normal this morning. Then about 10am the heaven's opened again and down came the Snow. I received a text message from the School, saying that the School was closing due to the adverse conditions and it will be shut again tomorrow. Mick had already left to get them, when I had a text from Ben, telling me the Coaches were bringing them home. Told him to stay where they were, Dad was on the way. Two of Ben's friends have come home with him, as their parent's are at work and they had no where else to go. Their Mum's and Dad's have been informed there here and safe. So at least they don't have to worry. And should the worst happen and we get snowed in, we've got plenty of room to put them up..


  1. Best wishes and love to your friend. XXXX

  2. Debbie, I am sorry to hear of the sadness in your friends' lives. My thoughts and prayers are with them both.

    I hope that the snow stops soon. It seems to stop the world when it comes. Keep warm!

    Hugs to you and your family.

  3. Hugs Debbie, For you and your friends. Death can be so difficult. It is so hard to say goodbye...Even if its not for forever. Take care. You are a good friend. :)

  4. Also the best wiches for your friends and you.
    * marlies

  5. So sorry to hear about your friend's loss.

    Thinking of you both,

    Jayne xxxx

  6. I have always a loss of words when it comes to death. It has come into my life stealing someone special and I am not pacified with the old Lady yet. Faith is a confort but sometimes it isn't really enough. Be close to your friends, they don't know well up to now but they will need friendship more than anything else. Hugs to you
