Sunday 22 February 2009

Miniature Turnings

After looking at Mike's wonderful wood turnings yesterday, over on his blog Just Mike and another Crazy Idea.
It reminded me that I also had some Miniature turnings in my collection. So last night I had a root round and found a few to show you.
All of them except the large Urn with lid were made by a lovely Gentleman Ron Davie, who I used to attend the Dolls House Club with in Kent.
I do have some other turnings by Ron, including a lovely little wooden Tea Set, but it's still wrapped and packed somewhere.
I think my favourite in this batch is the tiny squat pot with the lid, which is the second photo from the bottom.
The large Urn and lid, was brought when we were on Holiday in Corfu and is made from Olive wood.


  1. They are beautifull Debbie!
    * marlies

  2. Lovely Turnings..thanks so much for sharing. I like seeing what others collect...I too have some small turnings from a local wood worker...I should round those up. Mikes are to die for ...perfection!!

    Happy Sunday


  3. Oooooooooo they are lovely. Please visit my blog there is an award for you for your fantastic work in miniatures. xx

  4. wow...what a marvelous collection!

  5. They're beautiful....makes me want some for my collection!

  6. Debbie
    They are lovely
    wath a beautifull colletion

  7. Debbie, These are wonderful. I want to come to your house. You have amazing taste and talent. Glad you liked the witch. She would look so good in honeydukes!
    Happy weekend. Hugs!

  8. Glad you all enjoyed looking at these
    Tiny Treasures.

    Thanks Kat for the award. Its official I'm a Witch.. LOL

  9. Great collection of turnings!
