Sunday 15 February 2009

Kat's Hats...

Look what came in the Post yesterday. I have my friend staying with me at the moment and I totally forgot to go and check the box until really late last night. But what a wonderful surprise, when I did.
I was lucky enough to win four undecorated hats off Kat's EBay last week. She's got some more on there now, and I'm really tempted. LOL..
Really want to make a Witch/Wizard Hat Shop next. I have quite a few of Kat's Hat's in my stash.
Kat also made the beautiful set of the Hat, Broom and Books.
Thank you so much Kat, they are Magical and I Love them.
Kat also has a blog, so please go over and say Hi, to this very talented Lady...


  1. These are wonderful. Are they knit or crocheted or fabric?! Wonderful.

    Mini Leaps and Bounds

  2. Jody they are made from Hat Straw. The Bottom set is made from Straw and covered with Fabric.

  3. How kewl are those! How fun a witch's hat shop will be!!!! Debbie, send me your snail mail addy! :) Mini hugs, Marsha

  4. Lovely and fun, you are a lucky girl

  5. oohhhhhh the are beutifull..
    nice colors!
    hugs Marja

  6. They are very lovely
    I read that they are make of Hat straw that is realy Wonderfull

  7. wonderful hats!!!i love yuor work!
