Friday 6 February 2009

Kat The Hat Made Me Do It...

I was just over at Kat's blog and she's found out what her Fairy name was and asked everyone that reads her blog to have a go.. So I clicked on the link, put in my name and my Fairy name is Oak Elfshimmer.

Your fairy is called Oak Elfshimmer
She is a cheerful sprite.
She lives in forests of oak and lime trees.
She is only seen when the first flowers begin to blossom.
She decorates herself with leaves and berries. She has delicate green wings like a cicada.


  1. Cool name, I too headed over to find out my name :)

  2. Hi Debbie. I'm called Berry Icewitch
    Lol... perfect for me.

  3. Hey Debbie, Permit me to introduce myself. I am Thorn Goblinwitch!LOL

  4. oohhhh i love fery's...
    my name is Columbine Goblinfilter
    hugs marja

  5. I think everyone's gone Fairy mad..
