Sunday 8 February 2009

I'm Trying To Make An Owl..

I thought to myself last night I'd try and make some Owls for Eeylops. Now I'm fine making food, its my forte, but Owl's well I don't know. I'm no Sculptor. But I giving it a go.. Here's how it looks so far.
Still haven't quite worked out how to attach it's legs, think I'll have to bake the body first then make & attach the legs..
Now don't laugh its a work in progress..


  1. Debbie, if it's not too late, fashion some wire armitures for the feet and poke them in where you want the legs. Then after you bake him, glue them in and work around them. I have done that before with other animals. I don't know why it wouldn't work for owls.

  2. So far, It lookk prety are doing a good job

  3. Debbie esta genial. Yo intente hacer una para mi casa Slytherin y mira el resultado.. el mio parece un juguete de niños y no es real.

    Por si quieres echarle un vistazo.

    FELICIDADES por tu gran trabajo.. lo sigo con expectación.
    Besos Carmen.

  4. Not laughing at all. You should see the first owl I tried--he looked more like a blob with a vague owl-shape. I think he's looking good.

    Mini Leaps and Bounds

  5. Looks fab so far. Can't wait to see them finished.
    I'm sticking labels on sweet jars.
    For some reaon it's all taking far too long.
    Have not one single thing complete as yet.
    Is there anything you can't make?
    Love all your building work in your last posting. All looks so wonderful!
    Wish they were mine!

  6. Oh he's looking lovely :-). I cannot wait to see him when his done! Kat :-) P.S Keep warm in the snow!

  7. I think it looks like just perfect! I think I would try legs from wire inside... but ;) I have never done something like this :)

  8. He looks great to me! I agree with Nikki, is there anything you can't make?!?!

  9. He's looking wonderful!

    I'm getting my clay out again tonight and making more foods... a bit more appetizing this time though..heh..

  10. I think he's VERY cute!I like the way his head is turned.

  11. Look at all the detail you have there! I'd say he's a success already.

  12. Debbie, You amaze me. I love how you just jump in and try everything. You are a true miniaturist. You inspire me everyday! Mini hugs!
    p.s. Can't wait to see your owl :)

  13. and you say are not a sculptor!! but you have such a sense of proportions...and the details...
    I really suffer of envy. Mini hugs

  14. Hi
    Found your blog by Maria, Finland. You have a wonderful blog. The birds are great, do not underestimate your self!

  15. He´s already looking handsome Debbie.

  16. He's wonderful. I'm looking forward to seeing the end result.
