Thursday 19 February 2009

I'm Still Working On Candles..

I'm still working on my Candles and I'm on a roll. Everyone is different and I'm so pleased with how they are turning out. I'm still making more, then I'll pop them in the Oven all together. I've already rolled out lots off different sizes, to work with. Just wondering what the next face to appear is going to look like.
Still haven't decided whether to use black clay or painted florist wire for the wicks. What do you think?...


  1. May be the wire would look more realistic since it is thinner? anyway they are gorgeous.Pay attention not to spoil us: we'll be wanting more and more from you, you are so clever. Mini hugs

  2. Hi Debbie. I'd use the wire because it wont breakand you can push it in easily.
    They're all looking fantastic so far.

  3. I haven't made candles before, but I'd go with the painted floral wire......Did you paint them white? I like it!

  4. Hi Debbie....

    LOve LOve LOve your little bitty candles... they are real charmers...each a wonderful personality.

    I personally would use a thin wire for the wick....give it a slight bend to add more animation.

    Great Work


  5. You could use cotton thread and burn the end. You could stiffen it with some wax to make it stand straight. :-)

  6. I would use the wire. That way I could also make it look like the candle wick still had a few burning embers. Or even paint the wire white and have an unburned wick.

  7. OOOOHHHHHHHH debby....
    I'm jealous ... what a beautiful candle's...
    ever, I would also like to make a magic house
    hugs marja
