Tuesday 3 February 2009

I Went For A Walk

It's finally stopped snowing, so I went for a walk up and down the fields with my camera..
The First photo is of the House from the Garden, the next one is the view of our bottom field and beyond, next photo was taken from the little paddock looking down into the back field. The next two photographs are of the top field. The next photo is of my solitary footsteps walking up the fields to the top field.
The next photo, is Merlin rolling in the snow like a big Black Bear and the last photo is of Moses and Storm pouncing in the snow...Needless, to say when I got back indoors, I had a steaming cup of Tea to warm up...


  1. Such a lovely place you are living in...I love the space and far sights.

  2. How lucky you are to have such a beautiful piece of land.
    In two years, my husband and I are planning another visit for our 20th anniversary. I will have to include Wales in the itinerary.

  3. What a beautiful home you have and land!! LOL, I did think that was a bear there momentarily!!! How sweet, Merlin LOVES the snow! Mini hugs :)

  4. Beautiful Debbie, I too thought Merlin was a actual bear. Wonderful pictures. Thanks so much. Mini hugs!

  5. I did so enjoy my walk around your property. We are country folk at heart and do miss living in the wide open spaces. Your pictures took me back to a wonderful time in my life. Thank you for sharing your home - it is beautiful.

  6. We already had snow on the ground here in Southeast Ohio, USA, too... and it's snowing like crazy again. My daughter commented that she hopes dad doesn't have to spend the night at work. I have to agree. And my daughter's miniature horse that lives at grandma and grandpa's is probably snowed into the barn looking like a teddy bear as usual. At least your snow has stopped for now!

  7. Hola Debbie!! que fotos mas bonitas!! pero que frio tiene que hacer ahi!!
    Te pasas por mi blog? he dejado un premio para ti.
    Un beso.

  8. Thank you for sharing this beautifull pictures. Love the place were you live.
    * marlies

  9. Pretty it is.
    Here that much snow would be just another regular day...

  10. What a gorgeous property & view ! I love the miniature horses you have , and your Newfoundland dogs.

    You talent with the miniatures is amazing. I've tried, but am all thumbs LOL.

  11. ooohhhhhhhh what a snow.......
    Beautiful photo's!
    hugs marja

  12. I love all the snow pictures! Makes me miss 'home'!!! I wish we'd get some snow here, I'd love to throw a snowball at my kids! Looks like Merlin is making snow angels!!! You'll have to take a picture of him next to something so we can see how big he is!
