Saturday 7 February 2009

Help Required Please...

Does anyone know anywhere that I can get opening bird cages in Miniature of course? Or has anybody made one? and if so would you be kind enough to share the pattern.
I want to have cages hanging from the beams in Eeylops, but I'm having a job finding any that are suitable. There's plenty of wire ones out there, but they either don't open or they have a bird already in residence, which you can't get at without damaging the cage..

Also ages ago, I remember reading about someone else in one of the Miniature Magazines, that had also made Eeylops Owl Emporium, but unfortunately all my magazines are still packed away. Does anyone remember this article? It was either in The American Miniaturist, Dolls House World or Dolls House & Miniature Scene. If any one can tell me what magazine it was in? I'd be grateful for any help on both of these questions..


  1. The cheapo ones with a bird in are relatively easy to get into.....the base comes out with a bit of persuasion from a fine screwdriver.
    I'm putting in a trade order next week and can add some to my order if you like....let me know :-)

  2. Debbie, I now only a workshop on a birdcage, it is not with a door, but you can make one in it.

    Hope this is helpfull?
    * marlies

  3. I found a nother one!

    * marlies

  4. Hi Debbie. You could make little woodeen ones with twigs.You could havet them any size or shape and they could also stack ontop of each like you see with books.
    First i would make lots of little thin twigs all the same length. Then either using square, round or rectangle (actually any shape)shape bits of wood glue your twigs all around the base, pop your bird in and then stick the top bit of wood on. You could also weave nice threads and stuff around them. Plus befor you put the top bit of wood on you could make cord handles.
    They would be a bit like an oriental bird cage.
    I would also imagine you could somehow make a little opening door on string hinges around the twigs and a latch of some sort.
    Will go and see if i can find a pictures and email to you so you have more understanding of what i mean.
    Nikki x

  5. I found some more:

    *This is verry expensive:

    * This one has a door:

    * This one too:

    This is what google gives:

  6. I have a couple found
    with door

    hugs marja

  7. I have one I bought in Brazil, it has a removable floor and a swing for the bird. If you want I can send it to you. Mini hugs

  8. Thanks for all the help everyone off to check them all out.

  9. Preciosos trabajos, muy lindo todo lo que realizas.
    En mi blog de Premios te he concedido un Award, espero lo aceptes en señal de mi amistad y admiración.

  10. Hi Debbie,
    would it be ok if the door opens? I have one back in Spain that a friend gave me. I don't know where it comes from but I've seen similar ones in They're golden colour and have a pedestal. You could ask the seller so you don't buy the wrong one. Good look!!!


  11. Oh! I just remembered that I have a tutorial for square cages from a Spanish Magazine. Let me know if you want it and if you don't understand I can translate it for you.


  12. I just purchased one of those cages with the stand with a bird and the bottom of the cage came easy off !!!! I just had to pull off that little bird ,but worked well. The only problem this cage has is, the bars are very close together,so the view into the cage is not very pretty, I´m wondering if I should cut off every second bar...The cage door opens well !! I didn´t glue the bottom just put it on again.Have to check if I find your email adress ,I can take photos of it and show you....and I´m going to make it rusty ,LOL but a pattern for doing some cages would be great for me to see too. :o)I´ll put tiny fairies inside ;o)
