Wednesday 11 February 2009


Gosh! I have another two followers since this morning.
Hello to you both and Welcome to my World.
They are:-
Judy who's blog is called Just another day on Earth.
Mini Kat who's blog is called Little Thoughts From an Average Mind.

As always please call over to their blogs and say Hi.

Just to let everyone know I've added even more links over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links. If you have a link to share that is Miniature, Doll House related please email me and I'll add it.

Haven't done any miniature work today as yet, been trying to tidy up my real House. It was starting to resemble Steptoe's Junk Yard. LOL..My friend Tanya is coming up on Friday for a few days, so thought I'd better tidy up. My miniature bits are all over the lounge, boxes everywhere. Not that she takes any notice. I have a magnet on my fridge which reads, I CLEANED LAST WEEK, SORRY YOU MISSED IT. Still it's all done now, just the washing to catch up on.
Might start on another Owl this evening or something entirely different. I've also been chatting to Nikki from Witch & Wizard Miniatures, we've been bouncing ideas off each other, for some other weird and wonderful creations. Seems Nikki is having the same problem as me, with the Mandrake leaves. So we've come up with a new idea for them. Need to get some more bits, before I have a go...More Mess..LOL.


  1. I like your magnet, there are so many interesting things in the world rather than cleaning up!
    Mini hugs

  2. Thanks for the welcome. I adore Ollie! :-)

  3. Rosanna I'm just so untidy. Its the creative mind, too busy thinking up ideas. Housework is a dirty word. LOL

    Mini Kat your very welcome. Glad you like Ollie..

    Mini Hugs
