Thursday 8 January 2009

What a Day..

Been one of them day's again, too much to do, and so little time.
First off, I needed to go food shopping, as much as my family like my miniature food they can't eat it. So off to Tesco's, we went, called in the Builders Yard on the way back to order some blocks and wood for the Stables. Then from there to our Farmer's store,to pick up food for the Chicken's and Ponies and to get some Wormer's. Straight home unpacked and put away the shopping. Then down to the Stables to muck out, and feed all my little lovelies. (For those of you that don't read my other blog, Hericus Miniature Shetlands, I have 23 Miniature Shetland Ponies.. And Counting...See I have a thing about Miniature things, in every shape and form). Then noticed that Magic, had somehow, managed to get his coat and neck cover off, so off I set across the field's to find it. Just got back to the Stable Yard and our delivery arrived from the builders yard. Then had to help unload 50 blocks, as they weren't on the lorry with the Hiab (Crane). After the delivery driver had gone, I needed to clear one of the new stables, so that we could get the plywood sheets in there, ready to be cut and put on the back of the Stable doors. Phew...
Since then I've been sorting out some Miniature Glass, to photograph and send via email to Nikki, and made a few phone calls and try and do a quick catch up on every ones blog entries today. (Sandra's on a roll, I've been over there 3 times already today. Zombie Squirrel's indeed). The one good thing about sorting, was I found the bag of liquorice allsorts that I made ages ago, so I can now fill a couple of Jars in "Honeydukes". Those Allsort's keep disappearing and turning up all over the place. And as for the box I opened it, and closed it again...


  1. Wow Debbie. What a day!!!! Makes me feel like I've done nothing Lol.
    Your ponies are so cute by the way. Love the candy jars. The tall one looks so nice. Where do you find those? Mini hugs! Get some rest.

  2. I love those liquorice allsorts!
    Best not to rush into things on the 'box' front. In any case, opening and closing the box without making physical contact with the contents will encourage the molecules in the wood to align properly, making the construction process much easier.
    I read it in a book ;-)

  3. Wow Debbie, what a day.
    I love those trays with fruits.
    And those jars, where did you buy them??

  4. Kim & Erica my friends Ed & Mary make all my glass for me. Ed is a glass blower by trade. The large bottle you see in the picture is an Apothecary Bottle, which used to be displayed in the Chemist shops. Each piece is individually blown..

    Sandra those allsorts took days to make. I had millions of the little blighter's in the end.

  5. Whew, Debbie, I won't complain about my day! You've been BUSY!!! I knew you were my kind of person, a miniaturist and a lover of animals!

  6. Its fruits are beautiful, delicious!

  7. I love your fruit bowls, fruit and your potion bottles/jars.
    Such wonderful attention to detail.
    The sweets are fab and look good enough to eat!

  8. You had a verry busy day! I like your liquorice, we call them english liquorice (engelse drop)
    Good sleep!

  9. Debbie, I love All Sorts large and especially your small ones! They are great!!

  10. My goodness, I'll never again complain about my life, seems so dull comparing yours!
    Your fruit is perfect and the english liquorice ( as we call it) is a favourite of mine.:-P

  11. Wow - how do you ever find time to do minis? I just love those licorice allsorts. It must have taken you forever to make them.
