Sunday 4 January 2009

Satan & Smudge

Mick has just taken these photo's of Satan & Smudge. Satan is Angel's brother, Smudge is the Tortoise shell. Smudge is normally a bit anti-social. I couldn't believe that she was cuddling Satan. I wonder if they realise what's happened to Angel.
They didn't move a muscle as Mick took the photo's.. Bless em..


  1. OMG how cute! I love these pictures. You share the best pictures. What great names! :o)

  2. Hi Debbie!
    Really sweet pictures!

    I just gave you an award :) Please come ro my blog to see all the details :)


  3. My your Smudge reminds me of my passed over rainbow bridge Tabatha, Tortoise shells are so interesting, love the colouring. This photos is so precious, comforting each other.
