Sunday 18 January 2009

The Morning After The Night Before...

We walked the fields this morning, checking that there was no Tree's down and fences broken. The only damage we could find, was to the Veranda Roof on the House, the wind had got underneath the lead and lifted it up, which we've fixed now. A couple of tiles lose on the Kitchen roof, two broken garden chairs and of course the remnants of the trampoline. The picture of the patch of green grass, is where the trampoline stood and the gate that it went over. All the Ponies were fine, I think most of them had taken shelter in the barn last night, by the state of the floor. No other damage, thank goodness. It could have been a lot worse.


  1. Thank the lord this was your only damage and not too much work to sort and fix.

  2. Glad to hear all is fine in the Wright house, did make me chuckle about the Trampoline being on the local news!! 5 mins of fame!

  3. Glad to hear all is well with minimal damage!

  4. Happy to hear that all is fine and that it only was minimal damages.
    Take care
    A lots of mini hugs to you and your family

  5. Glad to hear all is fine!
    hugs marja

  6. Glad to see you and your family and the animals are oke.
