Monday 19 January 2009

Making A Chest ... (Part 5)

Last night I did work on the Chest. I found some tiny little luggage printies and stuck a couple to the outside of the Chest. I then got some Burnt Umber acrylic paint and gently dry brushed down the side of the leather straps, and then in between. I want this Chest to look like its been well used.
For the next stage you are going to need, scrap Material, Lace, Ribbon, etc. Try to find contrasting colours. As we are going to fill the chest. We want it to look like the Chest, is filled to overflowing. As you can see I've put one piece of material in already. All I've done is cut a square of material and frayed the edges, this will give the Chest edges a softer look. It has been glued flat inside the chest, but not completely glued down the sides, just here and there to give a draped look. If you click on the pictures it will make them bigger...


  1. The chest looks lovely.
    How do you manage to get so much done in such a short space of time? Your positive work ethic puts me to shame :-(

  2. Thank you for sharing this, Debbie. It's in my 'things to try out list' already. :)

  3. Sandra, If you saw the state of the place, housework or Mini's?. Mini's win every time..LOL.

    Rachel glad you are going to give it a try.. If you do piccies please..

  4. Oh, Debbie, the chest is looking wonderful!!! I have a trunk around here somewhere that's unfinished, I may just have to pull it out and work on it! Ah, yes, I'm with you, minis over housework . . . but unfortunately I can't say that when I have "real" work and thankfully I do this week, YEAH, but I need to take breaks, don't I?!?! He he he, so instead of coffee breaks, a mini break!!

  5. He looks wonderfull, Debbie, just drybruched with umber, I will try.
    Normaly I use patina.
