Friday 16 January 2009

Making A Chest ... (Part 1)

Now I'm making this up as I go along. I've drawn a scale pattern and cut it out from Mount Board. (This is the board that Artists use to frame their paintings). I've got the pattern, so if you'd like to make one along with me this is what you will need:-
Mount Board in the colour of your choice, mine is Champagne which is a dark cream colour.
A very sharp craft knife to cut the pattern from the Mount Board, please mind your fingers.
A Metal Ruler to cut up against and for measuring your pieces.
You will need to cut:-
2 x 3 and 1/2 inch Length by 2in Width (These will form the top and bottom of your trunk)
2 x 3 and 1/2 inch Length by 1 and 1/2 in width (These will form the front and back of the bottom half of the trunk)
2 x 2in Length by 1 and 1/2 in width ( These will form the end pieces of the bottom half of the trunk)
2 x 3 and 1/2 inch Length x 1/2 width (These will form the front & back side of the top of the trunk)
2 x 2in Length x 1/2 width (These will form the two end pieces of the top of the trunk.

Please refer to the picture for guidance. This is what you should end up with...

Part 2 coming up when I've done it myself... Be back later...


  1. Looks like it is going to be a winner,Debbie! I can't wait to see how it turns out.

    How is your son doing? That sounded like a nasty fall! Shame on the school for not taking better care of him!

    Your husband's hand looks really good! Yes. The human body is amazing!

  2. We do all in cm, is it arond 9 cm by 4 cm? Is this to tall?
    Whats going to be in it?
    I'm sorry, only questions.

  3. Hi Marlies, hopefully when its finished it will look like a big travelling trunk. Overflowing with goodies..You can adjust the sizes to what ever you wish. I've just taken the measurements from an old travelling trunk that I have at home and reduced it to 1/12th Scale..
