Tuesday 20 January 2009

The Cottingley Fairies..

Whilst visiting Gaye's blog, Creating Dolls House Miniatures, the other day, I watched a video about A Wonderful Fairy Tree House. It reminded me of the Cottingley Fairy's and the film A Fairy Tale A True Story..
Harry's Godfather deals in Movie Props, and he gave me a copy of one of the photographs, that was used in the making of the film. Which is in one of my Scrapbooks. I thought you might like to see it, so I've taken a photo of the photo for you to see & a copy of the original photograph.
The Sepia coloured one is from the film, The black and white one is a copy of the original.
Do you believe in Fairy's? I do, I do, I do....

1 comment:

  1. I believe in Fairy's...I do, I do!! Thank you Debbie, my niece is going to love these photos!

