Tuesday 20 January 2009

Blog Award...

I received a lovely blog award from Nikki over at Witch & Wizard Miniatures this morning, witch (excuse the pun) she designed herself.
Thank you very much Nikki xxx.

This is what Nikki had to say about the award :-
Now, as you all are aware I love witches and wizards alongside spooky, Halloween, haunted, Gothic, fairy and a never ending list of alternative miniatures And so I decided to create my own award today and present to my favourite blog's. This award is for imagination and for those showing skill with their work that we can only stand back and admire. When given this award you can pass this on to any other blogger when you see such work and you don't have to send a specific number. You can send hundreds or one once a week. Its up to you! Keep sending it for as long as you run your blog.
There are wonderful miniature artists out there and they need to be appreciated for the long hours they put in. Often up all night with unbrushed hair, and still wearing their pyjamas from the day before because they didn't have time to wash and change. Now I know that applies to me and I must be congratulated for the lack of vanity I now have. No longer do I yearn to look good, but instead want my miniatures to look & be the best I can achieve.
So if you get this award then also give to people you think are doing their best creating miniatures such as above and putting in 100% effort.

So I would like to pass this award on to :-
Paco & Anna over at Miniaturas del Minimundo de Paco, for their wonderful Haunted Mansion and the fabulous Dragon setting.
Patrizia Cozzo over at Fairies Fair, for her wonderful sculpts of Fairy's & Mermaids.
Rita over at Ooak Fairy Fae Sculpture, for her wonderful fairy's. I like the little Goth Fairy..


  1. Congrats, Debbie!! Well deserved! I have to laugh at Nikk's comments about wearing PJ's . . . . when my husband is away on business, shhhhhh, that's me . . . . don't tell him though, LOL

  2. OH!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for my award Debbie. Its just amazes me anyone would come look at my work. Then to actually like it and give me their approval by Awarding me is beyond belief. It certainly encourages me to continue sculpting for sure. You are so kind darl, You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you again and again xxx Rita

  3. Congratulations Debbie!!!Your blog worths it!!
    My best wishes,

  4. Awww! Thank you Debbie!
    That's a big surprise after an hard day at work!!!
    You made my day! ^______^
    Thank you so much!

    And congratz for yours!

  5. Thankyou so much Debbie, Paco and I are very greatful that you thought of us to hand us over this this wonderful award. I will try and get it into our blog as soon as pos. (I'm not as quick as you!)
    I must say that your blog is fantastic and i'm not at all surprised you have so many followers.
    Thankyou once again.
    A big hug from Paco & Anna.
