Tuesday 16 December 2008

More Goodies...

Some more pictures of the Goodies, inside the Stork's Nest.
The Dress on the Shopkeeper was made by Peggy, as were the little knitted and crocheted items in the shop windows.
I can't knit or crochet, think it's because I'm left handed, always want to go the opposite way..!


  1. Stunning work! Yes, I knit, but projects that small would make my eyes go cuckoo...

  2. Oh, I love it! I ike how everything is lined with lace....cute! My Mom and mother in law knit/crochet....and I keep telling them I need little things, and they tell me I've lost my mind, lol!!

  3. stunning work, I'm not able to knit and I'm astonished by such dexterity. They are lovely

  4. Glad you like all the little items Ladies.. x
