Tuesday 30 December 2008

Fluffy Bricks Miniature Penfriends

Hi everyone (waving), sorry not been here for a couple of days but been pretty busy here, as we have Mick's parents staying with us and I've got a bit side tracked.
Just seen this and thought I'd share with you, I've been reading a blog called Fluffy Bricks, well they've set up a web site called Fluffy Bricks Miniature Penfriends, for all us Miniaturists who want to chat.. I've joined.. Go over and check it out..


  1. Thanks Debbie. I just joined. Sounds like fun. Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family. :)

  2. Thank you Debbie, I've put the link on my blog and I'm trying to understand how to join. Theblog is really nice and filled of so many things11 Happy new year to you and your family

  3. Hi Kim, Happy New Year to you and yours.. x

    Rosanna if you click on members there is a button to join the site, click on this and then you enter your details. Happy New Year to you & yours x...
