Sunday 14 December 2008

Boy's Room Decorations

The boys decided that they didn't want a Tree in their room this year. I think they were just trying to save me some work.. Bless em..They just wanted the Fireplace decorated. So today, I went in and did their Garland and hung up their Christmas Stockings.. I love the Fireplace in their room, wish we had one as big in the main Living Room.
I don't know what's wrong with me today, but every photo I've taken is wonky.. And no I haven't had a drink...


  1. Ok...I have the same stocking as the boys do......eerie huh?? :)

  2. I call it good taste Katie.. x

  3. ohhhhhh debbie
    what a beautiful fireplace,
    looks very festive !

    very happy holidays
    marja balvers
