Tuesday 25 November 2008

Whats In The Box? Part 2

Remember I said, that there was some more goodies in the box that arrived yesterday?
Well here's a couple of them.
The Barrels are for inside the Apothecary in Diagon Alley.
The Hat stands are to display the wonderful Miniature Witch hats, that I brought from Kat Hazelton.
And last but not least are the Candlesticks, they are also for Diagon Alley.
There's a few more bits, but I'll say them till later. Well I've got to keep you guessing...


  1. I came from Dragonstar's blog and scrolled around a bit. How amazing. I remember how much fun my daughter had with my mother when they put together a doll house and bought and then made things to go inside. It was magical to watch the two of them work..You brought back good memories for me...

    New Rambling Woods Site
