Friday 21 November 2008

Welcome Marja

I have another follower from the Netherlands, Hello Marja & Welcome.
I've been over to Marja's blog and had a long look. Marja's site is in Dutch, but the pictures tell a story. I'm in love with the Christmas Room.
Marja also has a Web site and there's Printies on there...
Please go over and say Hello. Here's the links..
Marja's Blog
Marja's Website


  1. Debbie thank you ... I can read and speak good English but not write
    I write this note, therefore, the google translation BETA ..
    sorry if by chance some errors in it.
    what fun that you welcomed me so
    I think your blog is super!
    with friendly greetings Marja

  2. Lovely to meet you Marja.
    Mini Hugs x
