Tuesday 18 November 2008

More Mini Links...

Nothing to show you today with Honeydukes! Needed to catch up with Housework & Washing, the Bin was overflowing again!
Here's some Mini Links for you, don't want you having withdrawal symptoms.
This is a link on how to make a Miniature Book, very good pictures, even if you can't understand the Lingo, you can follow Fantasyl Mini's.
Here's a link on how to make miniature candles from My Small Obsession.
This is a link to a Dutch site that has loads of Miniature Links Minaturen.
Last but not least is a link on how to sculpt a miniature hand Miniland. I did have a go at this the other night and it looked like something out of a horror film..


  1. Love your blog! I discovered you over at Kim's blog, It's a Miniature Life. I'm adding you to my blog links and hope you'll check out mine, Mini Leaps and Bounds, http://minileapsandbounds.blogspot.com/. Thanks.

  2. Hello Jody,
    I'm already reading your blog, but had forgotten to put a link in my side bar.
    Mini Hugs

  3. Hi Debbie! Thank you for adding my website link, My Small Obsession.
    Mini Regards...
