Thursday 13 November 2008

Honeydukes Windows..

After all the blood and gore yesterday, I still managed to cut the openings for the windows.
I'd been thinking what I could use to make the rounded part of the window sill. As luck would have it, when I was shopping the other day I picked up a tub of twiglets, so I opened them, emptied the twiglets into a dish, so that I could have the container. It also gave me something to have a nibble on, while I was working. (There's a question for you, Marmite Love It or Hate It?).
After much measuring, cutting and adjustments, I've ended up with two bottom parts, that are completely round on top, these will make the bottom of the window, and two half moon shapes, which will be the top of the windows. I had a dry run of fitting them, before giving them a lick of paint. I also painted the false front, one side is the same green as inside Honeydukes and the outside is a light stone colour. This is only a miss coat on the outside. I've also left the Door opening uncut, as I need to find a door, before I cut it out..


  1. How nice to have an excuse - sorry, reason! - to buy a tub of Twiglets!

    I hope your hand's better now.
