Sunday 2 November 2008

Honeydukes Floor..

Well I managed to draw in and scrape out the flagstones on the floor. Although I'm not that impressed with the Modelling medium, it took ages to dry. It dries like plastic!. It looks rather crude at the moment. Still by the time I'm finished it should look OK. Well here's hoping.
If it doesn't look right I have a back up plan..


  1. Good work! I'm guessing you did the white part, right? I love the colored diamond pattern next to it. I think it'll all look great, don't worry! I'm impressed you did it yourself, I think that's awesome!

  2. Hi Rhea,
    Yes I did the white part.
    The diamond pattern you like is part of the floor in our lounge. Its the original tile's from when the house was built. We found them under the carpet.
