Friday 14 November 2008

Honeydukes False Frontage.. Part 2

The caulk has dried around the opening of the windows inside. But forgot that I needed to complete the plastering on the Frontage. Was getting ahead of myself.. So I just finished that and its drying, I've put my tool box on top of it and a big tub of Mod Podge for some weight, to stop it warping as it dries.
Meant to say in the last post, that you can use decorators caulk as icing on Miniature Cakes!
It seems your all enjoying "Honeydukes" taking shape, thanks for leaving your comments, its lovely to hear from you all... x

1 comment:

  1. That's brilliant! Decorator's caulk as cake icing - love it!
    I've cheated a bit, just read two posts in one go, so this is only one comment. Sorry!
