Sunday 30 November 2008


I've spent this afternoon at Accident & Emergency with Mick... He managed to chop the top of his thumb off with a table saw... Good job I know First Aid.. Lucky for him it had a new blade in so the cut was clean, although the bit that got chopped off was no good as it was completely mangled..
They were brilliant at A & E, he got seen straight away. First off they injected his thumb with a nerve block. They took X-Rays and said that it had chipped some small bits of bone off the top, but as it was such a clean cut, it should eventually grow back itself. They washed it out with gallons of Saline and then cut of all the loose bits of skin. Then they dressed it, with a compression bandage, so it's looks like something out of a comic book. He's got to go back to the Hospital on Tuesday to have all the dressing changed. But he still may have to have plastic surgery.

Mini Links...

I've found some more Mini Links to share:-
Las Minis De Ana
Minihouse Di Terry
Lucie Winsky Dolls
Noemi Pascual Character Dolls

Inma Gomaz Dolls
Tree Feathers Blog - Miniature Books
Mini Mansion, with hundreds of links..
Kathy's Miniatures, this link takes you to Professor Snapes Office in Miniature.
Bill Lankford - Beautiful oldie world cottages.
EV Miniatures - Lots of beautiful things for your Witch or Wizard.
Kiva's Miniatures
Creating Dollhouse Miniatures
- Lots of Videos on here showing you how to. Christel's Video's are on here..
Have fun.....

Saturday 29 November 2008

Third Time Lucky...

Right, I'm fed up now... The second translator didn't work either. I'm hoping its third time lucky?.
I've got another translator. If this doesn't work I'm giving up..

Thank You Christel..

Christel emailed me to say the the Translator that I'd added to my blog, wasn't working! So I've removed it and added another.. Christel would you mind trying the new one please, and let me know if this one works.. Thank You...


For all my Foreign Guests that don't speak English. I've added a gadget on my blog, that's supposed to translate my blog from English, into loads of other languages. Would one of you let me know whether its working or not, as it's taken ages to load....

More Followers ...

I have another two followers, both of which have Miniature Blogs. Welcome Lenira & Mini Creazioni. Unfortunately neither have a translator on their sites, so I can't read them. Does any one know how to translate a blog, while your reading it? But they do have some lovely miniature pictures.
Mini Creazioni
I'd also like to say Hello to Deanna, from the USA, who's following my blog, but doesn't have one herself.
Also to Rosanna, who does have a blog called La Stanza Di Giuggiol and its got lovely Miniature's on there.
Go check them out and say Hi... Have fun...

More Sweets...

I made some Cough Candy last night and some dinky Candy Pumpkins..

Friday 28 November 2008

Having Fun...

Been having some fun filling all the little jars. Their looking good. Still got loads more to make. I've sealed the tops of the jars, with some Tacky Wax or Wacky Tac as my Harry calls it.

A New Follower..

I have another new follower Ingrid... Welcome Ingrid to my world.
Ingrid is from the Netherlands and also has a blog about her Miniatures.. Here's the link to Ingrid's blog: Huize Libelle.
Go and have a look, there's some lovely Mini's on there. I really like the Sun Dial. Ingrid also has a button on her blog to translate from Dutch to whatever language is yours..

Another Box..

Yesterday, I forget to check our post box, so went out this morning and what did I spy?. Another box of goodies. I haven't been able to fill the shelves in "Honeydukes", as I'd run out of Sweetie Jars. I'd rung Mary & Ed last week to place an order. How's that for service, considering that Ed, hand blows these, their not made on a machine.. I did laugh at the note inside from Mary, saying have fun.. I certainly intend to Mary. Thank you so much and give Ed a big smacker from me...

Thursday 27 November 2008

Dirty Harry...

This evening Harry played his last Rugby match of the session. The state of the boy when he got in. He was relegated to the shower, but not before he decided that he had to give me a cuddle, so I'd be covered in mud to.. Just have a look at him, my own Dirty Harry..

Apothecary Glass..

These lovely glass bits have been residing in a box wrapped in bubble wrap. These are for the Apothecary in Diagon Alley.
Now I know I purchased them from a German maker, at Miniaturia, at the NEC Birmingham, about 5 years ago.
The test tubes are so very tiny...

Wednesday 26 November 2008

More Sweeties..

Made some more Sweeties for Honeydukes. The white and red cane was a happy mistake, as I sliced it it looks like little Stars in the centre. Started making some sticks of Rock as well.

Whats In The Box? Part 4

Well Ladies & Gentleman this is the last of the lovely stuff that was in the Box...
If anyone is interested I've included the link to Matlock Miniatures in my side bar. The furniture is under the Whitewood Range. Don't you just love the Settle, it even has a lift up lid. I can imagine Kim transforming this to look very shabby chic. But for me, its going in Diagon Alley, so more grubby then Chic. The table is for upstairs in the Apothecary, with all the Lab equipment on it, need to try it out first, as it may take up to much room. If it is to big, I properly make a dressed table. We will see and you can watch what I do, as I intend to share everything on here..

Cookie's World..

Whilst I was trawling the web the other day, for more miniature sites I came across Cookie's World of Historic Dolls Houses & Miniatures. I couldn't believe my eyes as I started reading it, Cookie also has Vic Newey's Street Scene and some other mind blowing beautiful houses. Which are all filled with the most wonderful miniature pieces.
Cookie tells a story about every house and its occupants. I emailed Cookie and asked for permission to share this with you all. Which she kindly gave me. If you love beautiful miniatures, your love Cookies site. Go over and have a look, you won't be disappointed.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Whats In The Box? Part 3

Here's another couple of the Goodies that were in the box..
I'll show you the rest tomorrow...

Whats In The Box? Part 2

Remember I said, that there was some more goodies in the box that arrived yesterday?
Well here's a couple of them.
The Barrels are for inside the Apothecary in Diagon Alley.
The Hat stands are to display the wonderful Miniature Witch hats, that I brought from Kat Hazelton.
And last but not least are the Candlesticks, they are also for Diagon Alley.
There's a few more bits, but I'll say them till later. Well I've got to keep you guessing...


I've been playing around with one of the Units this morning. Just to get an idea of how they will look in "Honeydukes"... Here's some pictures..
Please ignore the mess on my work table again..

Units Painted..

Spent last night, painting all the shop units for "Honeydukes". Really pleased with the finish.

Monday 24 November 2008

Chocolate Frogs

What do you think of these little beauties? Chocolate Frogs...
Well I have to admit I cheated, I brought some 1/12th Green plastic frogs and gave them a coat of Chocolate paint.. Perfect for Honeydukes.

Whats In The Box..

Look what arrived today... A lovely box of Goodies, couldn't wait to get it open..
It's all the Shop units. Tried them out straight away.. They've just got to be painted now. Also some other little bits and pieces, but I'll share those with you later...

Welcome Joke & Lisa..

I have two new followers, Joke & Lisa. Welcome to you both.
Joke has a Dolls house Blog, with some lovely pictures of her Miniatures on there. Here's the link Oud-Leeuwenstein.
Lisa makes the most adorable babies from polymer clay. They are so cute, just have a look at her header, and tell me that you don't want to take one home. Lisa and some of her friends, are doing a Christmas Charity Auction on Ebay, raising money for a Children's Charity. It's a basket, filled with Babies, Bears and other beautifully made items. Lisa's blog is called Lovinclaydolls. Go and say Hi and check out the link to the auction. Good Luck Lisa hope it raises loads of money...

Sunday 23 November 2008

Rhubarb & Custard

Another Jar of Sweeties made.. Do you remember Rhubarb & Custard?.

Another New Follower.. Hello Vicky.

I have another follower. Hello Vicky and welcome to my world.
Vicky is a very talented Sculptor and works in Miniature. She also has a blog NJD Miniatures and a Web Site. Vicky is also a Member of CDHM. Go take a look at her yummy food and say Hi.
Love those Butternut Squash Vicky...

My Ebay Listing...

My Ebay listing is ending today. I have a bid..

Talking about Ebay, I won some little wooden baskets & crates on there yesterday, which have been Hand Made by the Sellers Sue & John, which look absolutely wonderful. Can't wait to get them. Their very Rustic and will look great filled with bits for Diagon Alley or even filled with my Veg. They also make the most beautiful Hand Crafted Furniture. Go and take a look at Sue & Johns listings...

Saturday 22 November 2008

Sherbet Lemon Anyone...

Been playing with my clay again tonight... Anyone fancy a Sherbet Lemon?

Withdrawal Symptom's..

I was having withdrawal symptom's today, waiting for the shop units to arrive. So this afternoon, I sat down with some spare clay and decided to make a tower of chocolate's and candy to display in Honeydukes. I've never made one before. Took this picture as it came out of the oven. Not one of my better pictures. I'll take some more once its plated up. Reminds me a bit of a Wizards Hat.

Friday 21 November 2008

Another Miniature Link..

Now I know Kim will love this site, its very shabby chic, you need to go back on the posts and click on the small pictures to make them big. Some beautiful room settings on here, which will certainly give you all some ideas. It is a foreign site, so you may need a translator, but the pictures are definitely worth a look. Here's the link to Las Miniaturas de Ana.

Playing With Fire...

I've been playing with fire! Wanted to make some aged papers for Diagon Alley.
I googled Scrolls, and found some tiny pictures of old scrolls, a perfect size in Miniature. Printed a sheet of them onto normal printing paper.
Roughly, cut one out and then used a lighter to singe the edges. It turned out OK, so I've done some more. I'll stack them up on my wizards desk eventually..