Tuesday 7 October 2008

School News..

Ben & Harry's School made it onto the News this evening.. Was it for exam results - No!. Was it for helping in the community - No!. Was it for their Sport - No!

It made the News because they have an outbreak of MEASLES!
The School did send us out a letter last week, advising that they had, had a case of Measles. Now both my boy's have had their MMR vaccinations, so hopefully they won't get it. But having said that Ben caught Mumps from school. So what I want to know, is this vaccine all its cracked up to be?
Have a look at this description of the Measles Virus.


  1. thanks for popping by my blog,

    Gill in Canada

  2. Oh, no! I hope your boys don't get the measles!! What a weird thing to have an outbreak on.

  3. Scary! My MMR is still up to date.
