Sunday 13 July 2008

Five Legged Cat !

Mick grabbed the camera the other day and said did you know we have a five legged cat. It wasn't till I uploaded the pictures that I realised what he was talking about. Satan one of our black cats was asleep in his igloo, and Shadow the grey cat had laid on top of the igloo and gone to sleep. All you can see of Satan is his leg sticking out.
Tasha's kittens are all getting on OK and have now opened their eyes. Hoping to go over next week to get some up to date piccies.
Ben is coming home today, really missed not having him around. Katie is coming back with him for 3 weeks. At least he's had his hair cut and from the pictures I've seen, it looks really nice, even though he's dyed it! Looks like I'm going to have a hectic few weeks. My cousin Mandy and her friend are coming up for the Bank Holiday weekend at the beginning of August. Then Mick's parents are coming up for a week. Then Tanya and the kids are coming up. Really looking forward to seeing everyone.

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