Wednesday 30 July 2008

Getting There...

Well my car is still in the garage, hoping to pick it up tomorrow. Colin our Builder called over on Friday, said that he would be back to finish the Kitchen off this week. He arrived yesterday to start the rendering and plastering, he was back today and will be back Friday to finish off. It's looking fantastic already. Hopefully, if it stops raining, the walls should be dried out enough next week, for me to get some paint on the walls.. Still some rendering to do outside, but need a few dry days! Can't believe the weather we are having here. Like a Monsoon. Where's the Summer gone.
Yesterday, spent ages getting Warrior bathed ready for the show today. (All Info over on Hericus blog). Ben's girlfriend Katie goes home on Sunday, she's been with us for three weeks. My Cousin Mandy and her friend Samantha, are coming to see us on Saturday and staying until Monday afternoon. Then as they go, Mick's Mum & Dad should have arrived and are staying for 10 days. Then my friend Tanya, Ayden & Kiera should be coming up for a few days.
We are still waiting for the Hay to be cut, but again being held up by the weather, need a least 3 good days, for the cutting, turning and to Bale.

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Healed Bones But Broken Car...

Took Harry to the Hospital yesterday for his check up. Consultant was happy, that Harry's collar bone is healed. So discharged him from the outpatients department. Took Harry over to his friend Paul's after, but the car started playing up, lights coming up on the dashboard. managed to get home and rang Roy at the garage. Car went in at 9am this morning! Christ knows whats wrong with it, but it was making a very dodgy noise this morning. Said he would ring me later and let me know the diagnosis. I can see another big bill looming. Oh Joy, not...
Ben & Katie have gone off to Carmarthen for the day, to meet up with Ben's friends, so have no idea what time they will be back this evening. Harry's over Paul's and will be brought back later this evening. So what am I doing, working outside cause the weather today is wonderful.
Had a letter this week, to say that our water supply is being turned off from 9am in the morning until approx 4pm. There is a major leak somewhere in the village and that's what their hoping to fix. So have made sure that all the outside water buckets are full to the brim, don't want any of the animals going thirsty. I'll top them all up again tonight, as its really hot today.

Monday 21 July 2008

Me Ole China

Been sorting through a few boxes of Miniatures, for the last couple of days. Been trying to find all the bits and pieces that I'd brought for Diagon Alley. Opened one box to find a room box that I'd made a few years ago. Which I called Me Ole China. Nearly everything had stayed put on the shelves, thank goodness for Tacky Wax... Took some pictures, which I have to say are not up to my usual standard.
Also managed to find quite a lot of bits for Diagon Alley, including the Owls that I'd had made by Annie Willis. Will take some more pictures tomorrow.

Thursday 17 July 2008

Wild Flowers In Bloom..

Just taken these pictures of the flowers that are out in bloom on the slate bank, in the little paddock. I know some of the flowers names, but haven't a clue what the others are. The Bees and the Butterflies, seem to like them. Not a bad show, from a tub of seeds that I brought at Lidl for about £1.50...

Weeding, Walls & Kitty Katz..

Been another busy week so far. Started weeding the slate bank in the little paddock on Monday and finally finished yesterday! Needed to lay a ladder on the bank to do it! Lots of the wild flower seeds I scattered on there, have come up and hopefully will self seed. Must take some pictures, before they all go over. Still keep finding Ragwort in the fields, so keep going around pulling that out.
The render is now on the steps and the outside wall around the kitchen. Looks better already. Eventually, there will be coping stones on top and the render will be painted.
Popped over to Tash's today, took two black bin liners of Harry's clothes over for the boys. Tash's kittens are getting bigger, their little eyes and ears are open now. Took some more piccies. Their all really cute, the little cream one is still my favourite, followed very closely by the fawn one, who's ears have turned a chocolate colour..

Sunday 13 July 2008

Five Legged Cat !

Mick grabbed the camera the other day and said did you know we have a five legged cat. It wasn't till I uploaded the pictures that I realised what he was talking about. Satan one of our black cats was asleep in his igloo, and Shadow the grey cat had laid on top of the igloo and gone to sleep. All you can see of Satan is his leg sticking out.
Tasha's kittens are all getting on OK and have now opened their eyes. Hoping to go over next week to get some up to date piccies.
Ben is coming home today, really missed not having him around. Katie is coming back with him for 3 weeks. At least he's had his hair cut and from the pictures I've seen, it looks really nice, even though he's dyed it! Looks like I'm going to have a hectic few weeks. My cousin Mandy and her friend are coming up for the Bank Holiday weekend at the beginning of August. Then Mick's parents are coming up for a week. Then Tanya and the kids are coming up. Really looking forward to seeing everyone.

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Decades Concert..

Just got back from a concert at the boys school. The concert celebrated the music of the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and 2000. From the sixties we had Surfin' USA, I've got You Babe, California Dreaming and a medley of Do Wah Diddy Diddy, Only want to be with you, My boy Lollipop and Daydream Believer. Then came the seventies, Ladies Night, Whispering Grass, SOS, Pick Up The Pieces, Children Of the Revolution, Blame It on The Boogie. Two of the teachers sang Whispering Grass as Windsor Davies & Don Estelle, all dressed in their Khaki's and Pith Hat. For the Eighties, I Fought The Law, Take My Breath Away, Material Girl, True Colours & Baggy Trousers. The Nineties was Angels, Stop Right Now, Everything I Do, I Do It For You, Runaway, Back for Good. The female teachers dressed up as the spice girls for Stop, right down to Gerry in her Union Jack Dress. Then 5 of the male teachers performed has take that, you ought to have heard the screaming! We was then brought right up to date with Where is The Love, Smile, Can't Get You Out Of My Head, Crazy Chick and I Don't feel Like Dancin'. What a fantastic night. I congratulate all the children and teachers for all their hard work to make a really good night out. Needless to say they all got a standing ovation at the end of the evening. It was a total sell out, so much so, they are having to do another performance tomorrow, for those who couldn't get tickets for tonight. Wish I'd taken the Camera!

Sunday 6 July 2008

Not Much To Report..

Nothing much to report, been doing quite a lot with the ponies this week. (All the info over on Hericus Blog). Was supposed to be going to a show today, but when I woke up this morning at around 5.30am it was raining. So rolled over and went back to sleep.. It brightened up later, but by then it was too late.
Not heard from Ben for a couple of days, so I suppose no news is good news.
Caught up with a couple of school friends via Facebook. Hi Taryn and Janice if your reading this.

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Kitty Katz

Sorry no postings but ever the busy person I just keep forgetting to up date both blogs at the same time.
Harry arrived home every Saturday morning, totally exhausted but had a brilliant time on his school trip. Now wants to do the French exchange trip next year..Ben went up to Katie's on Saturday, so it was a case of pick one up, drop one of at the airport. Ben's flight was delayed by 45 minutes so arrived in Scotland later then expected.
Today, I had the blacksmith here at 8.30am to do the Ponies feet, after he left dashed down to Diane's so that I could borrow a lunge line and drop of a show schedule. Then back home got a load of washing on, then straight back out over to Tash's.
Tash has been looking after a stray cat, it had a big abscess on its face and she managed to catch it and get it looked at by the vet. The vet told her that the cat was pregnant, so Tash being Tash has thoroughly spoilt this cat over the last few weeks, feeding her buying her all manner of bits and pieces. Anyway to cut a long story short, the cat had 6 kittens on Friday. Took my camera over to take some piccies of the little bundles today. Got to say they are so cute. The runt of the litter is cream and so tiny that it laid in the palm of my hand. Two are grey with fawn on their faces, one Fawn, one black with a tiny patch of white on its belly and one is a Tabby/Tortie. How cute are these babies....