Thursday 1 May 2008


Well for everyone that's been asking Karen is now at home resting after giving all of us a shock. I spoke to her on Tuesday and it was such a relief to hear her voice. Get Well Soon Karen, we love you..
Also managed to get the rest of the fencing done.. In our bottom field, the cottage gardens back on to us. I was quite concerned that maybe our ponies would be able to get out, as the old fencing was hanging on by a wing and a pray. Its not our responsibility to renew the fencing but the cottage owners, however I'd rather be safe then sorry and we've put up some post and rails to keep the ponies in.
The Cottage at the bottom nearest us, is up for sale, now if you remember last year they had the really old cottage knocked down, next to our boundary and put up a fence to keep the ponies in. But by doing that some of our land is on the other side of the fence. Because as they pulled the Cottage down it caused the earth to slide, and made a sheer drop. In the Picture you can see the workman holding the post to be bashed in where our boundary lays. Thank goodness I took loads of pictures. Rang the owner last night and told him that we want in writing where the boundary is, as don't want any problems with the new owners and also that a boundary wall needs to be instated. He's agreed to put it all in writing, as I had to warn him that if he didn't we would consult our Solicitor., and he's already told us they want a quick sale. We also rang the Estate Agent and advised them of the situation, which they had already been made fully aware of.

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