Monday 10 March 2008

Stormy Weather

Well we are certainly having some bad weather in Wales at the moment. The gale force winds started last night.. According to the news, some homes in Pembrokeshire have lost their roof's and quite a lot of Wales has no electricity. We've been extremely lucky so far, but there is more on the way. JCB man not here today because of the weather.. Rain, Rain go away.
Have booked the cat in the vets for tomorrow to have its bits done and also Storm to be spayed. Don't want any accidents with her and Merlin as he is still an entire male.
Got to go out today, Ben needs some bits for his art exam on Wednesday & Thursday, this week. He's also got an appointment at Guy's hospital in London on Friday, so will be going back Thursday evening and staying at Tanya's, go to appointment and then back home again.

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