Friday 14 March 2008

Art, Dirt & Prizes

Wednesday and Thursday this week, Ben had his Art exam 5 hours each day.. The brief was Barriers. He decided to construct a glass barrier representing an American prisoner at visiting time, on each side of the glass he made a hand print, he also cast his arm and one of the girls arms in the class.. These have been positioned as if their hands are touching through the glass, he then painted the arms and the bottom of each side with tattoo designs. One being a swallow which represents freedom... It also shows that the body is used as a canvas.. These pictures were taken after the 1st 5 hour session.. He's taken some more pictures of it finished which I get him to blue tooth me..
Ben also came home with a letter asking ask to go to Prize giving next week, as he has been awarded the Form prize for Attainment & Effort...
Ben also has an appointment at Guy's Hospital London today, so just waiting to find out how he got on.
JCB man is here today, nothing got done yesterday as the JCB broke down and he had to wait till today for the parts to be delivered. He's managed to get the other digger round, so more dirt is being shifted today..

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