Friday 22 February 2008


Popped over to see my friend Karen yesterday morning. Came home did the usual stuff like sorting out the ponies and some washing.

Been to the vegetable market this morning got loads of fruit and managed to get some blood oranges haven't had them for ages.

Our man with the JCB rang today will be coming at the end of next week, to start on the ground work that we need doing out in the little paddock and the ground clearing ready to move the static caravan on to. At the moment its right outside the lounge window.It will be fantastic to have all the old crap moved from the stable yard, it looks like steptoe's junk yard at the moment..
Colin our trusty builder came round the other night to have a look at some work we still need doing in the kitchen, we've had to dig the steps out that lead down to the back door, as the damp was getting in through the wall, but we've noticed more damp coming in a the end of the run of new kitchen units, so the whole lot outside has got to be dug up. If you look at the photo above it means we are going to have to dig from the little steps, right down to the end of the barn. Always uncovering something else that needs doing.

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