Saturday 16 February 2008


Well Ben got back from Katies yesterday, he had a really good time. Katie was pleased with her Valentine's presents, especially the necklace Ben brought her. Katie's Mum Anne sent me and Harry back a T-shirt and Mick a pair of Tartan boxer shorts, which Mick promptly tried on over his jeans and gave us all a good laugh pretending to be a scottish superman!!
Today we've been working outside as the weather was lovely. Ben helped me saw down a couple of tree's that were completely over grown and getting in the way. The rest of the steps are now out, just loads of rubble to move. Also did a load of house work this morning and loads of washing.
Think it will be a hot shower and early night for me as Mick's parents are coming tomorrow, they are leaving their place around 6am, so they should be here between 11am -12 noon tomorrow.
Really pleased with what we managed to achieve today, another couple of jobs ticked off my list....
Been trying to add pictures to my blog, but blogger is not letting me....

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