Saturday 12 January 2008

Happy Birthday To ME.....

Well as you've most probably gathered by the post title its my Birthday.. Forty Four Years young today...
Thank you to all my friends and family that sent cards & gave me pressies. My friend Mandie in Spain sent the most beautiful hand made card, thanks Mandie its beautiful. I've posted piccies of it on here, but I have to say that they don't do it justice.
I had a lazy couple of hours this morning, then wrapped up warm and have been outside in the freezing cold till about 10 minutes ago. I've been pruning back an old apple tree in the garden, it was so badly overgrown and a lot of the branches had crossed and loads were actually touching the floor. It looks quite naked now, just hoping that I haven't over done it and killed the poor thing, as the apples from it are beautiful.
Ben & Harry worked really hard today, helping to get the old units out of the kitchen. We've managed to salvage a couple which we are going to reuse in the workshop. The rest were beyond saving. It looks like we are going to have quite a bit of filling to do and the wall really needs a skim of plaster and the walls could really do with a wipe down of a bleach solution to get rid of the mould. It looks massive out there now. It will be fabulous once its finished. Will take some pictures tomorrow.
Tonight I think I'll open a bottle of wine and relax in front of the TV...

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