Friday 18 January 2008

Boot Room Continued.....

Weather today is awful, torrential wind and high winds which according to the weather forecast, Wales have got all weekend, plus flood alerts are in force...
I did manage to get into the Boot Room yesterday and have a good sort out. Filled 3 recycling sacks and 1 black bag. The bin men are coming today, so their going to love me.. Not. Found some more kitchen equipment that had been stored out there and that's now indoors in the cupboards. Moved loads of stuff down into the garden shed/room, like the fold up garden chairs, Harry's skateboard and about 6 pairs of wellington boots. Also found some photographs that I'd been looking for. Took a picture of one with my camera and have added it as my profile picture. You can actually get to everything now and I know whats in the boxes in there. Will try and finish it today..
Ben was sent home from school yesterday feeling really rough. I rang the Doctors and explained what was wrong and that he has exams at the moment and we were worried that it will affect his performance. They arranged for antibiotic's to be waiting at the chemist for us late yesterday afternoon, and advised us if he wasn't any better in the morning to ring for emergency appointment and they would fit him in. We also rang the school to find out what we had to do if Ben was to ill to sit the exam. They advised us that they would need a Doctor's note and they would then grade him from his mock exam and the course work. However, when he got up this morning he said he felt a bit better and has gone into school with his own supply of painkillers. Just hoping he gets on OK.
It was Harry's first night back at Scouts yesterday and was given a couple of badges that he's earned. They've also got an all day activity planned for Sunday 27th January doing forestry work. On the equipment list that he was given it said Chainsaw if possible! One thing that Harry will definitely not be taking, made me feel ill just thinking about Harry wielding a chainsaw.
Rang t-mobile last night has I've been getting picture messages sent to my phone and I have to go on line to get them. I have to say the girl I spoke to (Louise), was so helpful, she rang me back on the home phone and spent ages talking me through the set up procedure for mine, Mick's and Ben's phone. Ben & I can now get picture messages, but for some reason Mick can't, so there sending him a new chip and hopefully it will then work.
While I was clearing the Boot Room yesterday I came across a new sea grass bin that I'd brought and put it in the lounge. Last night while we were eating dinner, Harry said that the kitten was in the bin. Harry grabbed my camera and took some pictures. She looks so cute....

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