Friday 25 January 2008

Blog Lapse Again....

Sorry if you pop in every day, lapsed again.
Been busy here as the last couple of days we've had reasonably good weather and some jobs have needed to be done outside. Also been trying to get the new blog up and running with loads of information on the ponies, pictures and today I've managed to put a video of Athena on there. Really chuffed with myself, well ok did have help from Ben last night to get the video off my phone and onto his computer.
Harry didn't go to school yesterday as he was sick first thing yesterday morning, but has gone back today.
Ben had another exam yesterday, which he said went ok. Going to try and upload a video on here of Merlin and Harry that I took on my phone in the Summer. Merlin had nicked something of Harry and Harry was trying to catch him.

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