Monday 26 November 2007

Weekend & Monday

Well not a lot to report for the weekend... Harry was supposed to be going out with the Scouts on Saturday, but decided late Friday that he didn't want to go. Ben spent nearly all weekend doing his course work and homework for school, and chatting to Katie on the phone, he has his mocks in December.

Tumble dryer engineer is coming today to fit a new drum and some other bits. Managed to get all the washing up to date, as everything is now disconnected and all the new pipework is going in the Utility.. And a few more units are together. Its quite difficult to work in here, as the dogs and the cats have all taken up residence in here, while we are trying to work.... They just don't want to be left out.

Postie came this morning with some more miniature books that I've been waiting on. I have asked if I can post a link from my blog to there site, just waiting for an answer. I'll take some pictures later and post them.

The Kitten escaped upstairs this morning and eventually found it under our wardrobe, spent about 1/2 hour trying to coax the little bugger out. Its so naughty, but so cute at the same time. Its still having its mad 1/2 hours, running round with its back arched, just like a witchy cat..

Watched one of my favorite films yesterday Saving Grace, it makes me laugh, especially the two women in the shop, "would you like a choccy icy", you've got to see the film to appreciate the humour. Harry has me in fits when he does his impression of them.

Added a picture of O'Malley one of our 7, he's like a big baby, always crying at you for a cuddle. He goes off up the fields to see the horses and sits watching them for ages. As you can see he's quite at home in an empty fruit box. I have put a blanket in there for him to lay on. Once the house is complete, will be able to put out their new beds, no point at the moment, cause they will get filthy. Anyway, got to get of the computer now as Ben will be home soon and will want it for his homework.....

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