Thursday 1 November 2007

Listing Day....

Had a lovely email from Germany this morning from the person who brought my Jack-O-Lantern and Marmalade Board, saying that the miniatures are wonderful and they arrived safe & sound. So nice to get positive feedback from my customers.

Hopefully Hazel will get her long awaited Pumpkins today, as they were sent 1st Class yesterday.

I've managed to sort out and photograph quite a few miniatures yesterday, so I'll be listing them today on Ebay. Good job I have loads of stuff stored... Else I'd be making non stop.

Ben is due back today, really hope he's had a good time and taken loads of pictures, that's the scrapper in me coming out. Bet Katie can't wait to catch up with him, so I doubt anyone will get through on the phone when he's home.

The roofers haven't turned up, and I have no idea when they are coming. Think I'll give them a ring today, to see whats happening.
The pictures are of the bits that are going on Ebay today...

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