Monday 12 November 2007

Hats & Horses...

Yesterday, Leroy one of the roofers turned up much to our surprise and put some more slates on the roof, which have have to say is looking really good.. Spent quite alot of time down with the ponies and the usual stuff like mucking out etc...

Well the new girls have settled really well, and they've all been greeting the other Ponies through the fence, will give it a couple more days and then we will let them in with the others.

Filled in the transfer certificates for Shetland House, so will get them off in the post today. Didn't take any pictures yesterday, forgot to take the camera down with me, so will try and remember today.

I've added a ebay link on my blog for Kat Hazelton, who makes the most fantastic miniature hats, she's also the lady that I brought the Spooky Bits from, see earlier posts. I've just purchased from her some fantastic Witch hats.. She also has a web site which is, check it out. For some reason only known to blogger it wouldn't accept the website link but has accepted the Ebay link! I've been trying to upload pictures of them, but blogger is having one of them days at the moment, will try again in a minute... Yippee! finally managed to get the pictures on here..

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