Friday 16 November 2007

Freezing Friday....

Boy was it cold this morning when we got up, we had a really hard frost in the night. It was like the Artic, according to the weather report, it dropped to minus 5 in the night...
Ben & Harry have charity day for Children In Need at school today, they pay a pound each to wear their own clothes and have lots of sponsored bits going on in school. One of the teachers is having his legs waxed, and apparently he is very hairy. Harry is being sponsored to be tied to his friend all day!
All the Ponies seem fine they have all taken on the appearance of teddy bears with their thick winter coats. I'm going to get Neo & Warrior assessed in the spring to become Stallions and I'll be selling Yum Yum as I have too many colts at the moment. Hopefully we will have 4 new babies late April, early May, hopefully I won't be as stressed this time round, waiting for them to arrive.
Booked Ben's flights last night for him to go and see Katie in February, he wanted to be there for Valentines day. Its such a shame that they are so far apart. But they do talk on the phone every night for hours.
Roofers are back today to finish off, so will take some pictures once the scaffolding comes down. It already looks so different, just finishes the House of nicely, so much better then the green corrugated roofing sheets.
The Utility room is coming on in leaps and bounds, ceiling has come up lovely and there is some paint on the walls (whether I made the right choice of cream with the dogs is another matter!) and the first lot of base units are in. We were going to have a Larder Cupboard in the corner to fit over the boiler, but it meant chopping loads of the cupboard, as the ceiling slopes, so have now decided to leave it uncovered, but box in the pipes top and bottom. The Utility room was once the main Kitchen for the house, but now everyone comes in through the Utility Room, as our drive is on this side. Once all the units are in I can move everything out of the old units, that are still left in the Kitchen and get that finished. I've got a mountain of stuff down the barn to sort through, I know I have a new set of saucepans etc down there somewhere. But where they are is anybodies guess.
Checked on my Ebay listings this morning and I already have a few bids, which is great..

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