Thursday 29 November 2007

Ebay Listings ....

Been doing some listings on Ebay today as it was cheap listings day. I've put a couple of pictures on here of the listings... Having trouble loading them, blogger having an off day!

Harry's got Scouts tonight and by the sound of it Ben's got loads of homework to do again.

Mark one of the local farmers is coming over tonight with a whole Lamb for the freezer. I've got to say the Lamb here is beautiful really tender. Gosh! That made my mouth water just thinking about it... I went to the local Butcher's in town yesterday and ordered my Turkey Crown and Gammon joint for Christmas.. Pick that up on Christmas Eve I'm having the crown boned and rolled so it will just be pure meat, which is so easy to carve.

I've nearly done all my Christmas shopping now and the goodie cupboard is full, so the kids will be pigging out Christmas on Sweeties. My boys rarely have sweets, as they eat loads of fruit, so Harry will be hyper with all that Sugar....Must make sure I have plenty of milk, cause it seems to calm him down..
I'm just watching the sunset out of Ben's window and its beautiful all pinks and purples....

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